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Serverless Architecture and How to Migrate?

A cloud-based approach where developers can build and run applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. Unlike traditional architectures, which require provisioning and maintaining servers or virtual machines, serverless allows developers to focus solely on code, as the cloud provider automatically handles scaling, provisioning, and maintenance.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen
Introduction to AWS: Understanding the Basics and Core Concepts

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services to individuals and businesses of all sizes. By leveraging AWS, you can access and utilize computing resources, storage, networking, databases, and more, without the need for significant upfront investment in hardware or infrastructure.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen
Introducing Rust - A Systems Programming Language

Rust is a modern systems programming language that combines performance, safety, and expressiveness. It's designed to be a safer alternative to languages like C and C++ while maintaining their efficiency. Rust's unique features make it a popular choice for building high-performance applications, operating systems, and embedded systems.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen
A Deeper Dive into Rust Beyond the Basics

Rust's ownership system is one of its most distinctive features. Every value in Rust has an owner, and only one owner at a time. When a value goes out of scope, its owner is dropped, and the value is destroyed. This system helps prevent memory leaks and data races.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen
A Beginner's Guide to Go: Essential Concepts

Go, often referred to as Golang, is a modern programming language developed by Google. Known for its simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency, Go has gained significant popularity in recent years. This blog post will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of Go programming.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen
A Beginner's Guide to Python: Essential Concepts

A high-level, general-purpose programming language, is renowned for its readability, simplicity, and versatility. It's widely used in various fields, from web development and data science to automation and scientific computing. Let's dive into the fundamental concepts of Python programming.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen
Introduction to Java: Understanding the Basics and Core Concepts

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, known for its versatility, efficiency, and platform independence. Used by millions of developers globally, Java powers everything from mobile applications to large-scale enterprise systems.

Hal Nguyen
Hal Nguyen

👋 About Me

I’m Hal Nguyen, a full-stack developer with a passion for Web development & AI. I love sharing insights on web development knowledge, and I’m always eager to connect with like-minded people. Let’s learn, grow, and create something amazing together! Let’s connect! 🚀

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